So today is CLEANING DAY! Usually I spend the majority of Saturday doing a deep clean out of all the animal areas, cleaning the yard of animal droppings, and cleaning tools off...but this saturday I was still trying to get caught up with everything since I was gone last friday (up at the hospital with my family for my moms second surgery...Praise God everything is going good with her now and she is home!).
So we woke up at about 6:30 this morning and got after it!! Henry loves to take pictures and I let him take pictures today since I knew I would be busy with cleaning...He got quite a few good ones so I thought I would share them with you all.
A few of me cleaning out the goat barn:
Henry also caught a good picture of the garden
And another picture of the compost is pretty tall by the time Im done cleaning all the animal areas out! I usually water the compost pile after I am done piling up all the straw and then lay a tarp over the top to help hold all the straw in place (so on windy days like today it doesnt blow the straw all over the place). After about a day or two I will take off the tarp and usually the straw stays in place...until the next time I turn the compost!
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