I have 1 recipe that I use extensively more than any other recipe in my kitchen! Its my
Pizza Dough recipe...well, its not "my" pizza dough recipe, its actually Emily's! I got this recipe from her about 5 years ago and I was standing in her kitchen as she told me the recipe and I scribbled it down on a little note pad...I still have that same scribble paper taped to the back of my cabinet above my oven and I refer to it quite often...even though at this point I pretty much have it memorized.
But let me tell you that this recipe is good for SO much more than just your standard pizza!

Double Decker Pizza!! A big favorite around here...1 rectangle pizza can serve a large crowd! We also love to have "make your own pizza" night! Very fun...its also fun to see what the kids create!

Pigs in a Blanket! I usually cut the hotdogs in quarters and then wrap em up. This way you get a whole lot more from 1 hot dog ;) I mean really...isnt that just asking to be dipped in a smiley face of ketchup and mustard!
Pizza Rolls! You can seriously put just about anything into the center of a pizza roll and my kids will LOVE it!
Not to be mistaken with...

Cinnamon Rolls OR Candy Rolls (Cinnamon Rolls with Reeses Pieces or M&Ms)

Calzones! Also a GREAT leftovers type meal...as long as you have cheese and some type of sauce...just toss in the remaining meat and veggies from previous nights meals!
Hot Pockets (this is a big lunch time favorite here!! Let everyone customize and fill their own for added fun!)
Dinner Pie (these are great when you just need to use up some stuff in the refrigerator...you can pretty much fill it with anything, just add some chicken stock to help it not get dry!)
Bagels and Bagel Bites!!

And of course....Bagel roll ups!
And really the list could go ooooon and ooooon! What's your favorite thing to do with Pizza Dough!??