Its time for seed starting and I couldn't be more excited! We have done some planning based on what we learned from last year and now its time to watch that planning grow!
This year we decided to try the seed starting with cardboard egg cartons. I have heard and read a lot lately where people are saying how great it works...so in about 2 months we will know for ourselves! I have 270 open slots for seeds, so now I'm going to lay out exactly what seed will be started in each slot and see what we end up with!
Last year we also did all out seed starting in our loft...since I am 6 months pregnant and only getting bigger, I thought it wouldn't be the best idea for me to be scampering around a small loft 10 feet off the ground in tight, confined spaces...so the seeds are being started in the baby's room. I know, I know that sounds terrible...but the baby isn't here yet and the seeds will all be moved out into the garden long before the baby arrives :) We have been trying to scale down on our space requirements since the baby will need extra space and it is really paying off now that we have a whole room empty for seedlings!
Very excited to see our 2011 garden take off!!!
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