
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh my little George!

I have hardly talked about George here! He is just such a delightful little fellow :) Keeping mommy busy with all of his cuteness!
Addie is such a good helper! George loves her so much and pretty much gets anything he wants if he can get Addies attention to bring it to him!

George sure loves the outdoors! I pretty much carried him around during all of my outdoor chores this summer and he would coo and giggle at everything!

I have several slings and sure have loved carrying this cute little fellow everywhere. He loves to look out of the front like a baby kangaroo in a pouch!

This was from Georges first trip to the zoo...yes, he loved it!

Oh and cooking with mommy in the kitchen always brings out the laughing and talking in this little bundle of joy!

Ah, my buddy and me :)


  1. He looks so much like Henry! I sure miss you guys!

  2. I really need to take the time to do a few side by side pics of George and Henry as a baby. its ridiculous how much they look alike!
