
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Beauty & her Beast

Sarge is the perfect "farm dog"...fierce and gentle!
He is so vicious and loud when something is going on around "his property" that he doesn't like. There have been many occasion when he jumps into action to let it be known that he is on guard and his ferocious bark makes my heart jump right out of my chest! Then there are these precious moments when he and Addie snuggle and he is the most gentle creature in the world! These two have always had a special bond ever since he was a tiny puppy. He will do whatever Addie tells him to do...when she is scolding him for something he did wrong she sternly says "Sarge, go to your box", he just shrinks down and runs straight to his box. I think its part of the reason he takes such good care of the chickens, because they are Addie's chickens and she loves them so much. There have been many occasions when Addie is out feeding "the girls" and Sarge is running around being hyper and Addie yells "Sarge, calm down and leave my girls alone!" which he quickly obeys!

These two are just so precious! They have had a special bond since the day we brought him home as a puppy. I cant imagine a better dog for our family!

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