
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dehydrated Potatoes

I was a little worried about what to do with all our potatoes. I wanted to try and store the potatoes as long as I could and then decide to can them or dry them. I did some canned potatoes that turned out great and so I decided with this set to go ahead and do some drying!

Start off by peeling your potatoes (this is optional, but some people prefer to peel them for aesthetics and some people prefer to leave on the peel to try and preserve as much of the nutrition)

Then slice your potatoes. I used my Kitchen Aid Slicer Attachment and used the widest slicer to get the thickest slices I could...this made the slicing alot easier and faster.

Cover the slices with boiling water and once it reaches a full boil start the timer and boil for 8 minutes (Be careful not to let the potatoes boil over!! The starch is being drawn out of the slices and it will foam over if you arent careful, so stay close to your pot!)

After 8 minutes of boiling, immediately remove the potatoes from the boiling water and put them in ice cold water (The ice water stops the cooking process so you wont end up with mashed potatoes!)
After the potatoes have cooled in the ice water, remove them from the water and pat them dry. I have several varieties of potatoes so you can see the variation in color from each slice!

Lay out your slices on your drying screen or rack and put them in your dehydrator, oven or outside. Potatoes take an average of 8 hours to dry. I put mine outside in between a double screen for the majority of a sunny hot day (100+ degrees) and then brought them inside to finish them off in the oven later that evening once the heat died off outside.
All those potatoes compacted down and I am storing them in a gallon glass jar. I am very excited to use these in casseroles and soups this winter!!

Have fun dehydrating your fruits and veggies!! I know I am!!

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