
Friday, May 14, 2010

Our first salad from the garden!!!

So last night for dinner I picked some lettuce and arugula and made a salad for dinner! It was SO sounds little funny to say how excitted I was for a salad for dinner, but we started these plants from SEEDS and it is GREAT to finally get to taste it. Let me tell you it was AMAZING!!  Picked about 10 minutes before we ate it and only traveling about 100 feet, it was as fresh as you can possibly get it!
I had made some homemade croutons a couple days earlier (from homemade bread) and I also tossed it with some homemade salad dressing! The salad dressing is super easy and is just olive oil, apple cider vinegar, garlic, and honey mustard (recipe thanks to Kael!!). And of course some yummy sprouts!

The first of many salads to come!!


  1. Kristy and I recently fell in love with arugala, from watching Primal Grill on PBS ( Can we get the recipe for the dressing?

