
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Ok so it was time to get everything in the ground last week, but its been a chaos of a week here (family members having surgery, other family going to the emergency room, lalala... not your basic stuff). SO I know this week I have to get GOING! All my seedlings have been sitting outside (day and night) for about a week so I know they are all "hardened off" and ready to meet the ground they will be living in. Since our garden is so large I decided to take it 1 bed at a time and have it done by the end of the week...I didnt want to set insainly high goals because after all I know I will be working with 2 toddlers, 7 chickens and 2 goats...they tend to slow things down a bit...but sure do make it alot more enjoyable!

Bed 1:
We have 4 rows. (from left to right) There is arugula, then lettuce, then 2 rows of Tomatoes interplanted with some some basil and chives. Further down the row the arugula and lettuce become celery and carrots...but its not very visible on this photo. All the plants look SO small! But I have to admit I felt so proud of the little plants, we started them all as seedlings and it is great to see them finally going into the ground!!
We did an heirloom salad blend of seeds so we have several varieties of lettuce.

The tomatoes look tiny but you are supposed to plant them all the way down to the leaves to help the tomatoes get a good root system goin on! Hopefully they get growing fast!
The potatoes are comin up!!

I also got some sage planted yesterday and didnt quite get to the broccoli, but that will be today!
My mom had a bunch of sage, garlic and basil from last year that she brought over for us to plant and I am SO excitted about it. This sage is already green!

Yesterday I Also go the radishes going! These are my dads favourite and I Really just plant the radishes for him to enjoy!! I read that if you plant lettuce in with the radish seeds that it will enhance the taste of the radishes and also the I gave it a try! This bed looks really sad right now because all you can see is a few green lettuce heads planted about 3 feet apart...but soon it will look GREAT!! (I hope)

Ok so the end of day 1 I got a little more than 1 bed planted so that is excitting...back at it today!!! I cant wait!!

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