
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Garlic!! How to plant Garlic... demonstration by Addie & Henry

We absolutely love garlic and I seriously cant get enough garlic! SO we planted a lot of garlic this year. We have planted it in various stages so we can have fresh garlic all summer. The kids absolutely love to help with the garlic so this time I thought as they plant it I would just take pictures! You start off with your garlic bulbs that you "unwrap" (as the kids say) and then you plant individual cloves of garlic. At the end of the year if you dry your garlic thoroughly you can even plant your own garlic cloves the next year. This is our first time planting garlic so we just purchased some at the local seed store.

Work the ground really good so the soil is loose and ready for the roots to go deep.
Heres my Garden Helpers!
Peal your garlic and take out 1 clove.

Dig a little whole and put your garlic "into bed" (as Addie calls it). You can see where Addie is planting we already have some garlic coming up right beside it that we planted several weeks ago.
"Put it in the ground and leave it in the ground". Thats what the kids say over and over as we are planting. When they helped me plant potatoes they kept burying them and then digging them right back up to see if they had grown... so now they are learning that it takes a little longer than 2 seconds to grow!

As Henry was showing me that after you plant your garlic you have to give it a good smack to help it stay in there!
Then just start it all over and "unwrap" more garlic and keep the planting process going!

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